A message from our PREK-2 teachers team, Ms. Gaelle

Friendly Reminders:

Shenzhen is very dry in the winter and many students are suffering now from very painful chapped lips. Please make sure they are drinking lots of water at home (we encourage them a lot at school) and can use lip care such as lip balm or chap stick.

  1. A healthy bed time for 4-5 year old students is 7:30 - 8:00 pm. Please make sure your children are in bed at this time. I realize many students stay up much later and that is evident because several children are falling asleep throughout the day and have very little energy. Well-rested swimming tadpoles can be Super Learners!

  2. Our children are becoming Risk Takers and eating more food in school. This is great. Please continue to encourage good eating habits and proper table manners at home.

  3. Please read to your children at home. Make reading a story part of your child’s bedtime ritual. It is great for building their language skills, making bedtime easier and growing their bond with you as a parent.

  4. Please allow your child to dress themselves each and every day. Please pass this on tho their Ayi as well if she is their main morning care giver. Several children are having a hard time putting on jackets and zipping them up.

  5. Please try to eat meals with your children as often as possible. This is a fantastic time to help them improve table manners, develop rich language and grow lasting bonds as a family. Research has shown that families that eat meals together regularly have children who have less anxiety and are more successful in school.

  6. Your children are all wonderful and remarkable. Make sure you always praise them and give them lots of love and support. Children at this age need a great deal of personal attention and praise.

Have a fantastic end of week swimming tadpoles families!