do not go gentle into that good night

There are times that people take things for granted. When it comes to my situation, it is even much worse.

On Sep. 30, when I woke up and check my iPhone as usual as the first thing to do. I got an email saying someone was trying to change my password in Bitfinex. I just smirk, laughing at this what I thought a stupid thing. Because in my mind, I would simply think that with a 2FA, there is just no way that someone can access or comprise my account even if they could get into my gmail. I was wrong. Somehow they did, in a way still Mysterious to me. The only place I stored this 2FA is in Evernote which also needs a 2FA to gain access.

So I used the password reset to get into Bitfinex, at least that is what I thought could work. It didn’t, and I don’t know why. So I kept trying a few times with no luck. Only during these moments that I found myself getting scared. The only comfort thing for me was there was only 15 Bitcoin left there, results of withdrawal of 15 earlier.

I reached to weibo and searched a little bit more. All the web was talking about unfavorable news towards Bitfinex. I panicked more. With no other means, I use the most rudimentary and effective way, yes through Twitter. And voila, the CEO replied to me. He pointed out that my gmail could have been compromised, ok, scared to know that and scared to find his words were unfortunately right. Some hackers gained access to my gmail account and changed everything, and also they updated the filters, which literally deletes all the mails incoming from Bitfinex.

That is how I lost my 15.23 bitcoins, worth around 22,000 RMB. I didn't even want to ask the site administration to refund to me. I know it would mean nothing.

I should have been very angry, but I have not. I don’t know, I guess it was not add a merely burden to my already i-can’t-breath kind of debt. I think I am used to that, which is very bad. But I don’t have any choice. Right, this is one of shitty decision or choice I made this year. Clearly, I am running out of luck. It was totally another case two years ago when I thought I lost a 25 bitcoins by mistakes, I went outrageous and blamed my wife for trivial reasons.

One of clients I met in Hong Kong told me the botany pieces in my office will drain my fortune to sand, I laughed at it, but now. Hey, I can't start doing anything but moving these plants out of my room first. It is weird. :)

C’est La vie.