话说几个礼拜以前,我在lbc上开辟了一个新战场,做比特币的场外交易,模式也简单,诚如淘宝:当我想要卖出的时候,我选择那些愿意买入币的广告,点击交易后,我的币就会被网站锁定,并通知卖家付款。根据我自身的需求,我选择特定付款方式的交易广告。这是利润很丰厚的,场外交易价格是市场价格溢价的5%。当我认识到这点的时候,我觉得自己真厉害,又发现了一个新蓝海。不过,多疑的性格就是又让我发问,为何这些人不自己去买币,而要从我这儿买。结果发现,比如美国人民,他们只能从coinbase买币,由于监管的关系,他们根本无法将钱成功汇入bitstamp、火币、bitfinex等交易所,而在coinbase交易完全非匿名,有些人为了将身份隐 藏起来,也就愿意支付一定程度的溢价;再加上网站只锁定了币,并未锁定钱款的流向,这也产生了一定的风险,这也贡献了一定的程度的溢价。我当初在美国旅游时办好的美银卡这时候就派上了用场,华丽丽的我选择了cash deposit。我要卖,然后锁定币,等对方把钱打给我。我以为我会碰上几个耍赖的,事实证明,只要挑评价好的,有信任的,交易做起来真的是连话都不用多说。在某个礼拜五,我做了12000刀的交易,净利润3600元。这只是一天的交易,事实上,我可以天天做这么多的交易,甚至更多,如果美国没有FBI、或者是繁琐的银行监管制度、反洗钱制度的话。所以我也只做了一天,挣了一些,我也开心,买菜钱,不用花太多心思,也不用担心突然一下子你的银行户口被冻结,我还要专程飞一趟美国等等。
一日,我在lbc上游荡。碰到一哥们,愿意比市价高10%的价格来购买比特币。我基本上知道这算是骗子了,但是也不想失去这么个机会,说不定要真是了,我也就踏上了我的致富之路。是的,不去试肯定没有机会,试了才知道有没有机会。于是我联系了他的whatsapp,结果比我想象的还好,他说他是代理一个大客户购买比特币,愿意以高出市价25%的价格收购大量比特币,这事放到以前没人信,但是FBI拍卖3万个币时,Tim Draper出价700多刀买入了当时市价500多刀的比特币的事件仍历历在目,击败了我等屌丝散户凑钱搞出的404刀的offer,(哈哈,现在价格还到了390刀了,真遂了我们愿的同时也大杀了行业的士气),我不由得不相信这种事情发生的些许可能性。不过,当对方说要绕过lbc的escrow service,直接让我把币打入他指定的地址时,我心中万马奔腾,哥们真当我是白痴啊。我真打算将其拉入黑名单时,丫给我看了他的钱包截图。
信誓旦旦地称呼说,他的客户希望收购到比特币总量的0.2%,又勾起了我的兴趣。嗯,他还补充说他是lbc的pro trader,评价100%杠杠的,呵呵,我只想你丫太天真了,不知道有中国人,更无论大淘宝吗?这东西拍的不清楚,那么模糊,已经90%以上肯定是骗子了。怀着还是想将生意做到底的心思,我对这个图片进行了一些研究。没错,我看到这些数量,我还真想知道这两钱包的地址。你还别说,真给我找到了。基本上有这么大量的币的钱包,应该已经算是世界前位的钱包了,根据数量找其实很简单,找top 100 wallets即可。根据对应的数量,我找到了两个地址:14S6kiHzVNcSCA9TCiPaEGJfSiP1HHokEd、1QB8Ds5KbGYBLQa5RyDQ2sVUeSKWf7qgkZ。这两个地址在骗子和我联系的时点对应的币数和截图是一模一样的,由不得我不信。
关于Heinrich Vollmer
- 他的twitter介绍
- 这是他现在这个时点的一个广告![这是他现在这个时点的一个广告](./Screenshot 2014-10-07 11.21.44.png)
- 他的规则
thank you for reaching out.
If you were looking for safe method to sell you bitcoins, you arrived at the right place. I am stocking up coins acting as a Private Professional OTC broker / trader
Let me quick explain why I prefer OTC over top exchanges, or JUST SCROLL DOWN to see how the trading process works for you:
The main goal is to avoid to have the coins dispersed into the market. It’s to move it between one seller who has decided to sell, to ideally one buyer who would like to get in to hold. That reduces volatility.
It isn't a secret that trading volumes have shrunk, wealthy traders are getting more and more educated, and big trades are increasingly done over the counter. That certainly offers advantages over placing an order on an exchange.
Traders want to protect their capital from the effects of price slippage. When a seller is trying to put a block trade through without having enough takers at a certain price level, price keeps dropping as bids keep getting lower.
Additionally, some Traders are always in a waiting position with ‘false’ orders on the exchange, to feel for large blocks coming to market.
At the very moment when some 'false' orders are filled, big traders sensing that a big block is being traded, cancel the rest of their original orders and rapidly place new orders at lower prices.
Privacy and speed are certainly other advantages that OTC trades offer. Sellers being in a hurry and in need of USD EUR GBP etc. can turn to me (an OTC broker).
The same you can say for investors who prefer not to entrust their trading data with a large exchange.
They want to avoid being traceable. They don't want to have their ID documents falling into the wrong hands. You never know who acquires whom, or what hackers might do with successfully stolen records (ID theft).
So somehow OTC traders appear to believe that they enjoy a greater degree of privacy with us brokers, they somehow trust us more than the top exchanges.
The problem with OTC trading is that they are private, and people might think there is some kind of manipulation going on.
But in these markets today, there is less and less volume. Look at the equity markets. Institutions trade with each other and are taking trades offline.
So as bitcoin markets continue to mature, it's obvious to me that OTC trading is here to stay.
Here is a live trade example of a 25 btc / USD trade:
Sell your #BTC for USD
Bitcoin Volume= 25
btcavg rate= $337.00
I PAY YOU $363.96 (+8%)
you receive= $9,099 in your bank account
your profit= $674 compared to a trade on an ordinary exchange
min per trade = 10 BTC
max per trade = 300BTC, can be upped to 5k bitcoin / trade (according to growing demand and supply)
Multiple sellers may join coins to match entry limits. I act as an Escrow (no fees) and will split wires to each participant of joined parties (no fees)
Important to point out: I trade P2P only, with NO 3rd party accepted.
This is to maintain the highest level on privacy, transaction speed and customer support. Clients do appreciate that.
A typical trade goes like this:
-client comes in with a request to have me buy his coins
-If he agrees upon my quote, he emails his payment details ( fiat currency, bank account, bank address, valid receiver name, email address )
-I provide an ETA to when he can expect the monies arriving in his bank account
( sending from/to the very same (larger) bank/branch takes seconds to 2-4 hours, sending to smaller local banks may take much longer )
( I've got a setup a growing number of accounts at important banks working at most important jurisdictions )
-I hand over a new created btc address
-Seller sends bitcoin first (!) not negotiable
-When we see 3 confirmations on the blockchain ( usually after 30 minutes ), I press the button and the wires goes out.
-Client immediately receives a copy of that transfer. In case of joined parties each one recieves a copy of the relevant wire
-Client confirms upon arrival of funds in his account.
( For me, often enough not hearing a complaint from client equals to confirmation that all went well :)
I have included the current 8% incentive to attract new audiences to turn to trade OTC with me.
If a growing number of OTC Brokers is willing to pay prices on top of those current relatively low market prices,
we decrease selling pressure on exchanges and prevent the price from dropping further. That reduces volatility.
This may create a strong resistance at the current price level, from where we may see prices heading north in a not to far future.
If you like the offer, please reply with:
- your bank account / payment details
- receiver name spelled exactly as your bank knows it
- btc volumen (How many btc are you going to sell)
I will reply with your btc address.
After I have seen 3 confirmations on the blockchain,
I will immediately initiate the wire transfer to your bank account
Thank you for considering me as the broker of your choice.
For any ( really any) question get back to me. I'd be happy to answer them.
Kind regards,
Heinrich Vollmer
You can reach me best on Twitter or via email. I usually respond fast.
For clients / partners / affiliates I offer a 24/7 secure end to end encrypted chat via 'surespot' app. (surespot.me)
--- original message ---
Date: 07.10.2014 05:14:57
To: "btcmarketmaker"[email protected]
Subject: bicoint selling enquiry
hi, I want to do the trade with you, can you email me the details on how to do this. thank you, Dr. Vollmer.