

诚然,我们必需承认Matt Damon的Bourne已经无法被取代,所以每个人知道换角后都有些小失望,but, hey, what do we
know? maybe Jeremy could do a better job.

I dont really expect high of this one. What I want is a simple repeat of
its special style, one that stands out of the rest spy movies by its
distinctictions, such as the delicately calibration of killing scene. From
this prospective, it doesn t fail me, but rather the movie is a surprise to
me. well, it s an another way of saying, dont need to care too much of
comments online, just go with my own.

I know , the story is poor and could not pass the even tiny little logic
thinking. But I think actions alone already fulfill the movie. If ever need
to give a score on this one, I would say 7.5 is fair.

One more thing, I think Chinese fans would share the same view as me, it is
a good movie, forget the story, focus on what you really expect from this
movie. For me, I just can t forget how Bourne handled the two cops in a
swiss park at night from the first one of these sequals.
