世贸韩国农民致香港市民书 親愛的香港市民! 我們很高興能與您們見面。 我們代表三百五十萬名韓國農民,來到您們的地方。以往我們能從電影及電視節目知道香港這個美麗的城市,這個讓我們親眼見到香港的機會,實在是一件莫大的幸事。 香 港是世貿第六次部長級會議的場地。這個會議深深關係到世貿組織為這個世界所帶來的全球貧窮及不公平的貿易關係。韓國與其他一眾國家的人民,會一同來到香港 去抗議由世貿不斷造成的不公平世界。因此,您們會見到很多由世界各地來的農民、工人、被貧窮化的人,來到香港去參與這個浩大的運動。 這些從世界各地來到香港的團體,將包括一千名韓國農民。 香港的市民一定十分好奇,為甚麼會有那麼多的韓國農民在世貿部長級會議期間來到香港。 在世貿成立的這十年間,韓國農業受到令人悲痛的對待。 自從1994年世貿烏拉圭回合談判,大量進口農產品的流入,令到我們國內農產品的生產嚴重下滑。而農民的收入與農產品產量一同直線下降,農民傳統的生活變得越來越難以 維持。因此,韓國青年不斷離開農村,現在已再沒有人留下去保存韓國的務農傳統。 自從世貿於1995年成立,韓國農民的人口下降了一半,總體農民的負債上升了四倍,而韓國農民的平
War Games I am always curious about things unknown. taking this into account, it wounldn t be a bad idea to show us some social issues, Which of course i think are of importance but fun as well. War games Oct 13th 2005 From The Economist print edition A big pay-off for
at last. Sunny day, though cold. They left, some for China, some Pusan, wawo, seems as if we are the king of the school now, eh, things could not be better yeah, you are right, party tonight. The first day ever I got up at 10:50 after saw them off, damn
Happy Birthday, President To begin today s blog, let me ask you a question. Could you please tell me what you would feel at your 60th birthday? eh... hard to say. Yeah, that is a good thing about being a human, one could never know what happens next? No one would disagree about
新东方老罗 http://zwym.net/post/103.html 1.老罗在课上问∶“日本女人有什么爱好?” 下面有人回答∶“拍片!!” 老罗暗笑,说∶“你们T M D就不能想点好的东西啊~那么,日本男人有什么爱好?” 下面异口同声∶“看片!!!” 3.古代诗人去技院是去谈恋爱的。 8.背过词典的我只见过老俞和那个广东疯子。 10.什么是梨行的身材?恩?你们看我干什么??我老罗是标准的桶行身材!! 12.这道题多年来在新东方一直讲不明白,直到你们罗老师加盟了新东方。老教师都对我说∶老罗,你可真牛!我赶紧说∶快别这么说,我只是站在了巨人的肩膀上! 14.好了,笑话讲完了,刚才趴着的同学可以继续睡了。 16.当学生向老俞提问时,老俞会给他讲个他自己奋斗的小故事,把学生都感动坏了,就忘了刚才的问题了。 19.中国要是有50%的人都是同X恋,
On iraq2 everything comes for a reason. So does everything done by him. what I am trying to say is, he is elected at least by a big margin over John Kerry in a country regarded as most democratic place, there are no reasons he was an ass*** as we have ever
on Iraq I always am a person of gratitude that I was born in a country without Fire, yet not an indifferent person. Sometimes I came cross some headlines saying another human-body bomb in Iraq, or the death- toll of dead American now raises to a record-high, the sadness would get out
who is BUSH driving for? 看一个人NB,只要看看谁给他开车就知道了。 to tell who holds the power, we begin with his driver.... [![](http://byfiles.storage.live.com/y1pOBRxpFxu6uUeJd5enplFXgvR7P4dGV71P_TIIY oAWjlY8JeuJKA6vkVA8tsRHxqow1VmQ_x8Ir4)](http://byfiles.storage.live.com /y1pOBRxpFxu6uUeJd5enplFXgvR7P4dGV71K- ao6CMgaZempH0EhwlKLQJI2T14TvQisZWcRZOuh_Q)
join us PK http://media1.Break.com/content/xbox360banned.wmv 请用flashget下载。cant wait playing this with u.
a journey west III--Louvre 今天爽了卢浮宫。 Musee de Louvre 多熟悉的名字,多遥远的地方,而我一个中国学生能够有幸一览其风采,what more could i say, I am already much luckier than most of chineses on this earth. When I came to Louvre, the first thing pop up on mind is Mona Lisa, not just because of Don Brown s novel, but from other
leap 平常没事干,突然想起给父母打电话。问的都是已经说了千百遍的东西,但是每次感觉还是那么的奇怪,今天更近了一步,试着向他们说一下我对于健康的看法。为何不抽烟,如 何少抽烟,有时候你会觉得懂得关心一个人,也不是一件很容易的事情,特别是对我来说,自命和他们有代沟的一个人。 慈母手中线,游子身上衣。临时密密缝,意恐迟迟归。 父母对儿子的关心根本是不用语言来表示的。我对父母的关心根本是不表示的。所以今天才是觉得,不管人的一生中经历过什么,如果你关心了父母,人生不算失败。知道我们说 些什么,谈到我妹的学习,谈到老妈对我的打算,以及我再次向他解释有些东西不是想做就能做的,谈到如何给老爸戒烟。对我来说,迈出这一步,好难。 今天的tip就是,call your parents and let em know you care about them.
a journey west II -----Notre Dame巴黎圣母院 今天是哥哥正式游览巴黎的第一天,还是昨天那几个形容词,excited, and tiresome. 巴黎第一印象。美女太多了,老外真是太容易长太帅了,一不小心就漂亮了,所以也就不奇怪有些老外兄弟特别喜欢中国的吕燕型人才了。呵呵。在汉城也住了不短的一段时间, 两个城市对时尚的诠释也是完全不同的,如果说汉城的时尚是发挥了人的主观能动性的话,这里的时尚,也就是随便一下,信手拈来而已。有时,也确实要感叹老外的人种确实是 好,也就不奇怪当初希特勒为什么要发起所谓的人种过滤的恐怖行为。我的相机直接拍没电了。马上改用dv的进行连续抓拍,目不暇接,直接瞎掉。 巴黎第二印象,古迹众多,多的都实在是分布出来了,一样的风格,一样具有不可消灭的价值,唯一不变的是,得一直走。累。 今天看了巴黎圣母院 (Notre Dame), 以前一直不知道这个英文是这样翻译的,现在看看也很顺。我们是早上到的,在我意料之中的是,我们遇到了很多中国人, 这年头在外国遇到的,只要是一团队的人,衣服穿的是名牌,搭配的是没品味,手里拿这sony,松下,不用听声音,也就知道是国内的阶级兄弟中的上层建筑。这和看日本人
something more I heard this lyric from the song of Beyonce, cool. read it, u ll know. Your love goes beyond what i can say. Love , Beyoncei. meanwhile, below is an article from Laure Bush to Merkel, [http://www.whitehouse.org/news/2005/101005.asp](http://www.whitehouse.org/new s/2005/
sing this song 实在忍不住,今天就再更新一篇吧。学校在山上,山是一群山峦中的一座。另一座山上,有有座庙,庙里不只有一个老和尚,还有几个和尚。今天他们过节,一直在唱歌,歌里只 有一句歌词,我能听的懂,南无阿弥陀佛。一句简单的歌词,被他们口中唱出不同的味道,俄,不对,我不能用唱,他们是在喊。没错,他们在喊,山间隔得不近,打开窗户,声 音清亮,俄,停了,yeah, lunch time.
some memory in Paris I---a jorney west It was already 26 hrs since we left Seoul last time. A journey of virgin, I suppose this trip would be. And certainly it was. The first stop is Hong Kong. My dream place, which I have thought about visiting couple times. Time is limited, even me I don t
name 哥哥我今天心血来潮了,在网上搜鹏轩两个字,东西是出来一大串,全是酒店,装修,什么董鹏轩,邱鹏轩。妈的,中国真是大,我以为这两个字的组合,冲突的机会不要太小哦 。居然。。。感想只有4个字,多谢共产党的计划生育。
habits of gold habits of million dollars. 1. it doesn t matter what you want to do, it matters when. do it now. 2. an art of knowing what and how to give up. for those of you really have a lot more time than I do, you can read it. be aware,
why u keep amusing US? [http://www.ifilm.com/ifilmdetail/2684181](http://www.ifilm.com/ifilmdetail/26 84181) It is not in my position to mock at u. but you are really talented.
chaos theory I start to worry about my family, of none but their health, after my reading over an article “Life Changes lead to reduce your chances of heart attack and stroke”. I don t know whether they have already realized or not, that their own choices would somehow, decisively set their