some tips how to be rich

I read a new book from Robert Kiyosaki, authar of poor dad, rich dad. name is
quite mundane, how to be rich....disdain at first, but growed more interests
as I listened on, good book. follows are some tips to get u prepare to be

1,不要总是给自己暗示,我只要做个小人物。不要总给自己暗示,只要穿饱就可以了。aiming at sth bigger.

2, save the money and invest into sth whose value would go up.

3,whatever you think is real become a reality.

4, rich are not greedy. rich are generous..get richer, be more generous

5, insead of saying i can t afford it, saying how can i afford it

6,money is just an idea. to choose to be rich, choose your idea. rich people
work for free.

7,money doesn t make you rich.

8, a, not enough money; b, too much money.

9, show your financial statement to your accountant every month, that way you
can rectify what went wrong before it goes worse.

10, judge hose is an asset or a liability

11, rich are not smarter, they just think a little bit differently.

12, to do more with less.

13, when people say 9 out of 10 business failed, what i would see is i need to
be able to go ten times for the one that can make it.

14, how to invest in real estate. a, take a real estate course. b, look at
real estate constantly.

15, poor is eternal, and broke is temporialy


  • 永远信守承诺;

* 开会和约会不迟到;

* 从来不忘记回复电话;

* 与同事、客户、家人的沟通更充分一些;

* 总是明确告知他人自己将做什么以及日期安排;

* 快速处理各种琐碎的行政事务;

* 积极倾听;

* 永远不要等到最后一刻才做计划;

* 一经介绍,就永远记住对方的名字;

* 与人交谈时,保持良好的眼神接触;

* 保证每天的饮食健康;

* 定期锻炼身体;

* 少看电视;

* 多读书;

* 常与家人共进晚餐;

* 控制情绪和脾气;

* 至少把每月收入的十分之一用于适合自己的某种投资;

* 定期给家人或朋友打电话或写信。