to be grateful for what i have

i can t say i am not happy recently, after i found out, actually, i am not
happy all the time. and i hate a situation like this to be covered by others.

that is my bad thing, gain my face all the time and pretend to be it... now
one of my best thing is once i found the problem, i would like to dig it up.

so today, i went to my psychiatric consulttuant, ms Dianna. thoought without
making too much progress, we do have some contructive advice on how to rectify
my track into right way.

and a lot more.....

to be continued.....


one day past, I suddenly realized, correct or not, what I am facing now is a
problem to everyone, and this is phase everyone has to go through at least
once in a life time, the difference is a matter of time.

when thought of this, I guess I should have more courage for I know my
problem, and I am try to solve it and will manage it......